1414: John Neuton and the Re-Foundation of York Minster Library

Fabric Roll, 1422

Sylvia Thomas (Yorkshire Archaeological Society)

The books which Neuton had bequeathed to the Minster were labelled and chained securely in the library.

York Minster, Archives of the Chapter of York, E3 (10), m. 6, ll. 29-33.
Et solutum Johanni Vpton pro superscriptura librorum nuper Magistri Johannis Neuton Thesaurarij istius ecclesie legatorum librario - ij s.
Et solutum Thome Hornar de Petergate pro hornyng et naillyng superscripture eorumdem librorum - ij s. vj d.
Et Radulpho Lorymar de Conyngstrete pro factura et emendacione xl cathenarum pro eisdem libris annexis in librario predicto - xxiij s. j d.
Et eidem pro ij bonis seruris cum Clavibus pro eisdem factis - ij s.
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Photograph: Max Communications Ltd; © The Chapter of York.

How to cite

Sylvia Thomas, 'Fabric Roll, 1422', in Hanna Vorholt and Peter Young (eds), 1414: John Neuton and the Re-Foundation of York Minster Library, June 2014, https://hoaportal.york.ac.uk/hoaportal/yml1414transcription.jsp?id=32, accessed 29 January 2024