1414: John Neuton and the Re-Foundation of York Minster Library

Augustinus, De verbis Domini et Apostoli (Cambridge, Trinity College, MS R. 5. 40, fol. 3)

Only a fragment of Neuton's copy of this collection of Augustine's sermons survives. It was reused in the binding of a book with miscellaneous contents dating from the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, now Cambridge, Trinity College, MS R. 5. 40. A fifteenth-century inscription on the third flyleaf at the front of the book reads, 'Liber Eccl(es)ie Metropolitice B(eat)i Petri Ebor(acensis). Ex dono Mag(ist)ri Joh(ann)is de Neuton, thesaur(arii) eiusde(m). Augustini, De verbis D(omi)ni (et) Ap(osto)li' ('A book of the Metropolitical Church of the Blessed Peter of York. From the gift of Master John de Neuton, treasurer of the same. Augustine, On the Words of the Lord and the Apostle'). For a description of the Trinity book, see M.R. James, The Western Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge: A Descriptive Catalogue (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1901), II, pp. 206-208.

(Reference: Cambridge, Trinity College, MS R. 5. 40, fol. 3r.) Photograph: © Trinity College, Cambridge.