1414: John Neuton and the Re-Foundation of York Minster Library

Cathedral Libraries and Archives in the British Isles Conference

A number of contributions to this online resource are based on papers read at the Thirteenth York Manuscripts Conference on 2-4 July 2014, which was dedicated to the topic of Cathedral Libraries and Archives in the British Isles. The conference was held jointly at York Minster Library and the King's Manor and brought together scholars from Australia, Austria, the Netherlands, the UK and the US, to discuss the formation and housing of cathedral library collections, books and archival materials produced by members of the cathedrals, and acquisitions and donations, as well as the dispersal caused by the Reformation. The conference also served to mark the 600th anniversary of the re-founding of York Minster Library, and included a display of manuscripts in the present library; a special commemoration at Evensong in York Minster; and tours of York Minster and the original library space, led by Sarah Brown, Stuart Harrison, and Christopher Norton. The conference was organised by Brian Cummings, Linne Mooney, Bill Sherman and Hanna Vorholt and hosted by the Centre for Medieval Studies and the Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies at the University of York, in association with the Cathedral Libraries and Archives Network. It was generously supported by the Department for English and Related Literatures and the Department of History of Art at the University of York, by the Society for Renaissance Studies, and by the Association for Manuscripts and Archives in Research Collections (AMARC).